Friday, September 10, 2010

Don't Forget Your Plants!

Heat! That's right, I said it and I'll say it again. Heat! It's been so freakin' hot lately that I've had no motivation to get out and do anything in my garden. I mean it, I did nothing for a good 2-3 weeks. Ok, I guess I did make it out occasionally to water. But, all that required of me was a simple turn of the hose.
 So, what's the result of my lack of attendance? Well, I've now lost all but one of my squash plants

Ok, that's not so bad. After all, I really didn't have much faith in them making it into the fall anyway. That I have one left is a wonderful occurrence in itself. What's amazing about this survivor is that its root system was completely desiccated by squash beetles. It survived being an "all you can eat" beetle buffet in the most amazing way. By actually growing a new root system. I can't help but think of the saying, "nature will find a way". Well, in the case of my new favorite (and only) squash plant, it did. Let's just hope it doesn't break free of its cages during a power outage and attack me and my visitors.

Um...I think I got a little off track there. What was I talking about? Oh yeah!

You can see the root system there in the middle. It looks kinda like a growth (I guess it is a growth) coming off the vine.

So, speaking of squash bugs. They're back! That's ok though. I've started spraying for them again using my good ol' Bronners Soap solution that I used before. It seems to be doing the trick and I suspect in no time I'll see them disappear. Hopefully, before too long, it'll be time for them to move on/die/do whatever they do when fall comes and the bugs vacate. With any luck, my pumpkins will survive them.

Finally, the lack of maintenance allowed my tomato plants to over grow. During the drouth they didn't get enough water to produce any fruit. They did, however, still manage to keep growing. They actually grew so much that their leaves and vines were blocking the sunlight from themselves. One of my plants actually grew 7' tall and was not only growing over the cage, but touching the ground.

Making sure I was minding the vines that contained tomatoes and the vines that had flowers on them, I went to pruning and cutting them down. Now, they have plenty of room to grow and get sunlight, not competing with themselves and each other.

Fall is coming up on us fast. The rains have started and seem to be continuing. My duties still remain and I must always be vigilant if I'm to see a fall crop. But, if I'm good and I take care of my garden I can look forward to a few more months of fresh produce.

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