Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It Happens to all Gardeners at Some Point, it's Nothing to be Ashamed About

Last week it rained. All week. A few weeks ago I may have been very upset by this. But now, with my garden planted, I loved this. My lettuce was growing at an astonishing rate. Tomatoes were poking up through the soil. Oh my, my green beans, well, just look at them.

Now, comes the sad part. This past weekend the rain finally stopped (no that's not the sad part), the sun came out (still not the sad part), and I went on a little trip (definitely not the sad part). When I returned, all of my lettuce was gone (that's the sad part). It seems I have a little bit of a bunny issue. That's right, rabbits have eaten my crop. It was so young, so new, I didn't even have time to take pictures of it. Something must be done!

Yeah, that's a fence. Let's see if the rabbits can get past that! 

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