Friday, May 28, 2010

Weeds! Mulch!

A garden is a relationship. You give and you give and you give...and you give.....where was I going with that. Oh yes! If you don't put in the effort your garden will fail. Sure, maybe it'll be fine for a while. The seeds will germinate, the plants will grow, and the soil will stay moist. But, eventually weeds will form. At first they'll be small. You may even mistake them for seedlings. Upon further inspection and upon ignoring the issue they will soon grow. Before you know it, they'll take over.

Put a little work into it and soon your garden will look beautiful again. 


 Some mulch, some compost, and I'm ready to go.

 I carefully weeded the flower garden. Then spread out the mulch/compost combination.

 My vegetable garden is large enough that I was able to take my rake and hoe to the ground. I then spread out the compost being careful not to get it on top of seedlings.

 I recently invested in a soaker hose. This hose is porous and allows the water to seep into the ground. It not only lets me turn on the water and forget it, but it also gets deeper and uses less water than a traditional sprayer. I turn it on for about two hours everyday (unless it rained or will rain later).

I neglected my gardens and they soon got out of control. As a gardener it's important to remember to take the time to do what is necessary. A few hours of work and care brought my garden back to life and now. Well, now it's beautiful again. 

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