Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let it Be Philosophy

Where I live the weather likes to change often and fast. So, when I planned out my gardening to dos I had no idea that it would go from 80 degrees to 30 within a matter of a night.

Seriously, it was sunny and beautiful one day and snowing the next. 

But, while I sat on my end, nature kept on keepin' on. 

Oh yeah, and this gives me a good opportunity to introduce a new photography style to my blog. Thanks to a very good recommendation by my friends over at westervin  I now have a really cool photo app on my phone that allows me to take some rad vintage looking photos. Thanks for the recommendation guys!

The top  photo shows the cucumber and tomato progress. As you can see, they are doing very well. I'll be taking the top off soon and letting them grow sans greenhouse. 

The bottom photo is a picture of my hostas in the flower garden. I haven't even touched this garden and it's already springing (get it..spring..get it) up flowers.


  1. cool! i like the new photo direction :)
    is that hipstamatic or instagram?

  2. Hipstamaic. I'm having so much fun with it. I'll have to check out instagram.

  3. We planted some seeds this weekend. They're in our guest bedroom in front of the window. I hope they'll make it! Your cucumbers and tomatoes look great. I like the way the photos look too!

  4. That's great! What did you guys plant?

  5. Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, peppers, okra, and some herbs too!


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